A short history of Climate Justice Now!
Bali, December 2007
Climate Justice Now! was launched on the final day of the COP13 in Bali with a press statement signed by more than 30 social movements and NGOs.
September 2008
After several months of intense debate and discussion, the CJN! principles were agreed and adopted.
Poznan, December 2008
During the COP14 in Poznan, CJN! organised daily meetings. On the final day of the COP, CJN! held a press conference releasing its analysis of the negotiations.
Belem, January 2009
At the Belem World Social Forum in Brazil, CJN! members organised debates and seminars on climate justice, as well as climate justice assembly which resulted in the final Climate Justice Declaration of the WSF.
Bonn, March and June 2009
With a membership of more than 150 organisations, CJN! was officially recognised by the UNFCCC as one of the focal points for environmental NGOs, along with CAN. At the critical intersessional talks in Bonn, CJN! organised daily briefings, held press conferences and made interventions in the official negotiations.
Bangkok, September 2009
In Bangkok, CJN! members, together with movements from across Asia co-organised a full programme of alternative events and a mass rally outside the UN buildings. During a two-day strategy session on the last days of the official talks, CJN! set up three working groups (mobilisation, communication and facilitation) and decided to support direct actions during the COP15 in Copenhagen. Cf. Strategy meeting report.
Barcelona, November 2009
CJN! made interventions during the official negotiations at this critical session just weeks before the Copenhagen talks, as well as participating in protests and activities with local organisations
Copenhagen, December 2009
CJN! members turned out in force for the COP15. In addition to daily briefings, press conferences and extensive media work, CJN! organised evening briefings at the Klimaforum. CJN! supported the “Reclaim Power: Peoples Assembly for Climate Justice” action when dozens of CJN! members joined the walk out from the Bella Centre to join the thousands of activists massed on the outside to protest the talks and hold a peoples assembly. By the end of the year, CJN! membership had risen to over 200, and the UNFCCC secretariat allocated almost half of the speaking spots available for the environmental NGOs to CJN! At the end of the COP, CJN! organised a full day evaluation and drafted a statement on the COP which was finalised through the list the following week.