Conference call 1 July 2009

CJN! Call Notes
Wed., 1. July 2009
15:00 BST (GMT+1)

Persons on call

Tom Kucharz
Simone Lovera
Clemente Bautista
Lidy Nacpil
Payal Parekh
Meena Raman
Tim Jones
Eliot Whitington
Irene Velez
Dottie Guerrero
Nicola Bullard
Mariana Paoli
Christophe Aguiton
Maureen Santos
Maite Llanos
Reede Stockton
Irene Velez
Tom Goldtooth (last 10 minutes)

Thanks to Lidy for facilitating.

We discussed two agenda points

Activities in Bangkok

Activities in Copenhagen

The two major decisions made:

There  will be a 2 day CJN! Strategy meeting during the  Bangkok Intersessional, most likely during the middle weekend. Dottie, Clemente and Nicola have volunteered to work on organizing the meeting. They will send a call out soon for other volunteers.

A committee is being formed to organize our events in Kopenhagen and facilitate cooperation with Klimaforum.  Christophe, Sabrina ( and hopefully Tom, whose idea this was) will coordinate. They will send a message spelling out more clearly what is needed and will look for more volunteers for the committee.

Other interesting tidbits:

For the informal in Madrid – Spanish groups are organizing events (ask Tom for more details.

In Nov/Dec. Speaking tour being organized in Europe (Tom K., Tim J).

Expect next meeting later in July after groups have met in Bangkok to discuss plans for the intersessional.

Below you will find more details regarding specifics


Dottie: Last Monday Thai Working Group on Climate Justice had a meeting. Approximately 30 people from various local groups and national networks attended. They are aware that many people see the Bangkok Interssesional as an important meeting because it will be the only negotiating conference to be held in the South before Copenhagen. During the Bonn meeting CJN people see the importance of having a good turn-out and mobilisation in Bangkok, as this could be a sort of rehearsal for our outside strategy and  preparation for the COP.

want to accommodate everyone’s interests for workshops, discussions, side events, actions,/protest marches, etc.

for many local groups it is the first time to connect their work with  climate issues – they see the Intersessional as a possibility  to consolidate the network and to strengthen themselves

want to be connected to global/regional groups, facilitate for a space where CS events can be held and be inclusive

organizing a strategy meeting to discuss plan and possibilities for coordination for Bangkok Intersessional in mid-July. Either 15/16 or 18/19.

Venue of September/October meeting will be near the UN buildings at a university.

Not sure how many will be in Bangkok in September/October, but expecting large numbers (because Asian networks will mobilise).

Lidy: The meeting in mid-July  was originally to be a regional network meeting, but now happy to expand to have reps from national and international networks attend so that coordination/planning can begin.  An invitation letter is being circulated, the letter will be sent to CJN! List.

Simone: Great plans. GFC is planning Workshops on REDD, indigenous peoples’ rights and biodiversity just prior to Bangkok meeting in September.  Working with International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples  of the Tropical Forests. Swati and Roberto organizing. Could bring 15-20 people from region and would like to coordinate with the other plans happening in Bangkok.

Dottie: Thai WG is planning to organise a three-day  activitiy for local groups (teach-ins, workshops, displays/booths about local initiatives, including a protest march) a few days before the intersessional and will welcome non-Thais to join them too.

Lidy: during intersessional would be better, because people may not be able to stay in Bangkok so long.

Clemente: Organizing event for 28. Sept. To 3. Oct. I apologize ( missed the details, as i couldn’t hear properly). Having a 1 day conference on 2. October. Wants to coordinate with the larger group.

Dottie: Lidy, already volunteered  to collate and make a matrix of all events being planned for the Intersessional so we can have  anoverview.

Irene – FoE is organizing a skill share on climate/finance/trade issues in Bangkok. There should be participants form the South. This group happy to participate in other events in Bangkok. Good to share agendas and strategies. Stephanie from FoE Australia organizing (she will attend meeting Bangkok in mid-July). 23-26. September.

Simone – does anyone know whether international youth movement planning to come to Bangkok? We Should find out to coordinate actions with them.

Lidy – During the CJA meeting in Bonn, some of us that were there discussed that it would be a good opportunity to hold a CJN! Strategy meeting – 2 days, perhaps on weekend in the middle of the intersessional. Many people have arrived by this time. Good chance that many participants from the South can attend. Chance to discuss strategy/plans for Copenhagen and longer term plans of CJN!.

Also discussion to hold event on climate and finance at the beginning of the intersessional (Mon, Tue).

Christophe – agreed that middle weekend would be a good time for strategy meeting.

Meena  – would be better to have it the weekend prior, so that once the intersessional starts, people can lobby around these points. Also pointed out that Saturday is a workday during the intersessional, so people involved with TWN and others lobbying could not attend the full strategy meeting, but understands that it is not possible to accommodate everyone’s schedules/plans.

Simone – same point about timing of climate/finance meeting. Suggested that CJN! Strat. Meeting be Fri/Sat, so people have a break on Sunday!

Dottie – there will be a mobilization if regional and international groups agree to help support.  Should coordinate date of mobilization with CJN! Strategy meeting.

Tom – for those that can’t travel to Bangkok, would be good to have the possibility for people to participate remotely via skype. Thus, good internet connection needed.

Lidy: Can we put together a committee together of 3-4 people to organize the strategy meeting?

Dottie, Clemente, Nicola volunteered. An invitation will be sent out to the CJN! List to also get other volunteers.

Who? – the UNFCCC venue Bangkok has no space for side events. We will have to find our own space for events.

Dottie –  The Thai Working Group will find a place and negotiate so there will be a place for all groups to hold their respective events. Their local event and those that we will organized can be in same place. (Thammasat University if possible)


Tom  –

Groups organizing for the Barcelona informal.

Our world is not for sale is working to link trade and climate change; linking mobilization against WTO in Geneva end of Nov. And climate change .

Organizing a speaker tour.  Need information from us about groups working on these issues.

Will send out a matrix for folks to fill out.

Would like to invite people that can be in Europe in Nov and Dec for speaking and lobby tour.

Klimaforum – Lots of logistical and technical questions need to be worked out. Propose that we set up a CJN! Working Group to prepare our engagement there, keep in close contact with the folks on the ground in Copenhagen.

Perhaps we could send people (1-5) from CJN! Network 1 to 2 months in advance to help prepare our activities in Copenhagen. Would need to look for funds for this.

Christophe from Attac France – a great space in Copenhagen has been found for the Klimaforum and work space also available.  Now work focusing around setting agenda – next meeting in mid-Oct. Important to have voices from the South. Currently only one part of movement active in the planning – the direct action wing.

Payal – Oscar Reyes of Carbontrade Watch/TNI, Janet Redman of IPS and I having been discussing a newspaper for CJN!. We are working on details/funding and will send something out to get comments/ideas from CJN!.

Simone – likes all the ideas.  Working on agrofuels, carbon offsets – wants to organize a speaking tour and would like to be involved in a larger effort., May send someone earlier to Copenhagen.

Tim – WDM, Foe England, Jubilee Debt are also planning speaking tour in UK in Nov.

Irene – FoE Int. Working on a project to bring in voices of people directly affected by climate., Time capsule idea. will record their messages using photos, written papers, videos.  There will be an installation in Copenhagen – working with Klimaforum folks.

Are there folks from CJN! That want to help with coordinate Tom’s proposal to have a Copenhagen WG?  Payal suggested that we ask Tom to write an email to the list spelling out more clearly what he envisions and participate in the WG.

Christophe from ATTAC happy to help, but wants to ensure that Southerners  (such as reps from Via Campesina, x) also participate, as their voices are needed.  Jubilee South can help –  Sabrina.

Final Details

Who will be in Bonn III?

Meena/TWN, Simone and Payal may be there.

Organize another call in mid-July after the meeting in Bangkok has occurred.

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