President Evo Morales of Bolivia to Arrive at Copenhagen Conference

President Evo Morales of Bolivia to Arrive at Copenhagen Conference

President Evo Morales Ayma of the Plurinational State of Bolivia will arrive in Copenhagen tonight, Tuesday 15 December, to join the UN conference on climate change.

President Morales arrives with an unprecedented mandate from the Bolivian people after his landslide re-election with 64% of the popular vote. He also has a strong moral standing on the international stage for his rejection of the economic system that has caused the crisis, and his advocacy of rights for Mother Earth and economic and social development based on Buen Vivir (‘living well’ in harmony with all humans and the planet) which is inspired by indigenous principles.

During a summit of ALBA country members in Cuba held this week, Evo Morales explained he was traveling to Copenhagen to defend a “culture of life” and to try and save the planet from “a culture of death” caused by the current economic system.

“I have heard many debates in the UN where presidents condemn climate change, but never say what causes it. We say clearly that it is caused by capitalism.”

“We send a message to the world to reflect deeply and to the presidents of the capitalist system to change their economic model which is destroying the environment and planet earth. Capitalism and imperialism are forms of industrial development without limits. We need industries, but there also have to be limits. That is the debate,” Morales asserted.

Morales called on the rich countries to pay their climate debt to developing nations, and on all countries to recover traditional forms of ecological production. He also said that rights had to be given to nature and Mother Earth. “The planet can live without human beings, but we can never live without her.”

President Evo Morales will be accompanied by Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca and Minister of Environment and Water, Rene Orellana.

16 December
4-4.30pm Rights of Mother Earth To be confirmed: VIP Press Room (Poul Hartling) or main Press conference room, Bella Centre
18 December
2-2.30pm Evaluation of Copenhagen Press Conference Room, Bella Centre

For more information, please contact:
Nick Buxton – Email [email protected] or ring +45 26619010
Ron Ridenour – Email: [email protected] or +45 29910243